Is Your Health Stopping You From Becoming Who God Created You to Be?
Find God and Get Healthy Today!

Have you ever tried to eat healthy, lose weight, or rid yourself of potentially debilitating diseases, only to experience repeated failure? You are not alone, but if you want to live healthy and live well, there is an answer; there is hope! Maybe you’re one of the tens of millions who aren't enjoying life to the fullest because you suffer from:
- Exhaustion and fatigue
- Digestive issues
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure & Cholesterol
- Food allergies
- Out-of-control weight gain
- Hormonal imbalances
- Painful Sinus Infections
You CAN find relief from these symptoms and enjoy radiant health at a cellular level faster than you ever dreamed possible.
Finding God In The Middle Of The Food Wars is a simple and sustainable blueprint on how to get healthy at the cellular level and become all that God has created you to be. The strategies and structure that reverse chronic illnesses and diseases are all contained in this book.
Coach Scott and Dr. Myles layout a beautifully designed outline addressing the root cause of physical, mental, and spiritual health. This book contains the DNA of true health care and tackles our need to be healthy so that we can live our best life. This universal health plan outlines a step-by-step formula that will equip anyone to overcome the 3T’s that we all face…TRAUMA, TOXINS, and THOUGHTS!

Meet the Authors

Dr. Francis Myles
DR. FRANCIS MYLES is a renowned international motivational speaker, business consultant, and apostle to the nations. He is the founder of Francis Myles International, based in Franklin, TN. Known as a great “revelator.” Dr. Myles has been gifted with biblical insight and revelation into many hidden mysteries of the Word. However, he is most well-known for his revelation of the Order of Melchizedek. He is the author of many books and has been a featured guest on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural!” television program and “This Is Your Day” with Benny Hinn. Dr. Myles is happily married to Carmela Real Myles, the love of his life. They reside in Franklin, TN.
Coach Scott Oatsvall
COACH SCOTT OATSVALL found himself fluctuating between 200 and 300 lbs. and on five medications. God gave him a blueprint to lose over 100lbs of fat in a year and get off all medications in just six weeks. He founded Life Transformation 360 (LT360) in 2014 to share the life-changing power of true transformation with thousands of clients and patients. In 2018, he opened the first all-natural functional and fully integrated health center in Murfreesboro, TN. Coach is a renowned speaker, author and radio personality. He also hosts “The Coaches Health Show.” Coach Scott and his wife Gwen have two biological sons and four adopted children. They live in Brentwood, TN. They are also the founders of 147 Team Ministries that serve underprivileged and at-risk children worldwide.